SEANCHAN [The Strangest Places in the Wheel of Time]

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025

Комментарии • 46

  • @leomattos2335
    @leomattos2335 Год назад +14

    Fantastic job dude...congratulations for the effort on making this amazing video, filled with details and accurate information. If I may give you a suggestion for another similar video, I'd say the Aiel people. Once again, congrats!

    • @wyn_wyzard
      @wyn_wyzard  Год назад

      Almost done with a script for the Aiel video actually!!! Thank you so much for the kind words

  • @nikosnikos5082
    @nikosnikos5082 Год назад +11

    this is a pretty good video considering how new your channel is, keep it up, i came here for the ai but i think i could stay for the analysis and good luck

    • @wyn_wyzard
      @wyn_wyzard  Год назад +2

      Thank you! I'm still trying to find my style as it comes to editing and I think I need to spend more time on my scripts, but I'm having fun doing it!

  • @michaelvickery7390
    @michaelvickery7390 Год назад +7

    Incredibly well made for such a new channel..definitely worth a sub...look forward to what's next

    • @wyn_wyzard
      @wyn_wyzard  Год назад

      Thanks for the support dude! What would YOU like to see next?

  • @magister343
    @magister343 Год назад +50

    Coffee beans originated in East Africa, not South America. They were cultivated in Ethiopia around 850 AD. They were not introduced to South America until 1730 AD.

    • @wyn_wyzard
      @wyn_wyzard  Год назад +11

      Just read that online. I should have double checked and thought they were a new world crop. My bad! Thank you for letting me know :)

    • @manuam98
      @manuam98 Год назад +6

      True, but considering we live on the first age and the events of the WOT happen on the third age, maybe in the future after a catastrophic event coffee gets wiped out of the African - Eurasian block and only survive on the Americas, were they are indeed a very popular crop today.

    • @mlyss22
      @mlyss22 Месяц назад +1


    • @cbass191
      @cbass191 16 дней назад

      Ok. Why?​@@mlyss22

    • @hypothalapotamus5293
      @hypothalapotamus5293 22 часа назад

      Likely confusing them with cacao.

  • @carolbriscoe9337
    @carolbriscoe9337 23 дня назад +6

    Don't think I've thought that much about the Seanchen and their home. It sounds like a perfectly horrid place to live. Interesting that they have traveled to shadow worlds and brought back shadow creatures. Thanks for this breakdown. Very thorough

    • @LadyCat183
      @LadyCat183 3 дня назад

      I don't remember that from the books. I thought they found the strange animalsvas they conquered the land.

  • @phillipmargrave
    @phillipmargrave 11 месяцев назад +7

    The High Blood of Seanchan have greater status than that of European barons. They are closer to dukes or arch dukes ruling vast territories at the pleasure of the Empress (may she live forever).
    The Low Blood are closer to counts/earls, barons and knights. Many of the Low Blood hold low to middle military ranks and serve as magistrates and act as local enforcers/peace keepers.

  • @mdpreacher9073
    @mdpreacher9073 3 часа назад

    Nice summary of the Seanchan. At 18:25, I assume the Blood Knives don't have 6 fingers on a hand, do they?

  • @rsrik018
    @rsrik018 13 дней назад +2

    Coffee originated in Ethiopia. It was later transported first to Brazil by the portugese, then later to America by the Dutch

  • @mxvega1097
    @mxvega1097 6 дней назад +1

    That was better than S3. I quite like this version of WoT.

  • @pamelarose1834
    @pamelarose1834 Месяц назад +3

    It took ten years and the author dying before the last book to finally get to the end of this tale. It was worth the wait. I have not watched the show just clips but even with the adaptions that were made it looks really good.

  • @wendelljones513
    @wendelljones513 9 месяцев назад +1

    Excellent work.. well done. Thank you for the video.

  • @nikosnikos5082
    @nikosnikos5082 Год назад +6

    very cool art of the seanchan soldier btw, is there anywhere i can download what you've created through ai?

    • @wyn_wyzard
      @wyn_wyzard  Год назад +4

      Yes! I'm working on uploading the images to the google drive. I'll message you back when they're up there!

  • @fionastempel
    @fionastempel 19 дней назад

    This was a great video! Thank you for your work

  • @Christina-mz6gz
    @Christina-mz6gz 10 месяцев назад +2

    I love to hate them! I’ve never felt such disgust for fantasy villains

  • @mlyss22
    @mlyss22 Месяц назад

    I feel like im watching jeopardy with ur font and blue background 😂😂

  • @christianefiorito3204
    @christianefiorito3204 11 дней назад +1

    I think Sharra is even stranger. The funny closed of land across the Aiel waste whwre the silk comes from

  • @geoffsokoll-oh1gq
    @geoffsokoll-oh1gq 9 месяцев назад +5

    Seanchan, Jordan 's super society. The single worst idea he came up with. Consisting of the "perfect" army (which never makes the same mistake twice) made up of a slave caste. Women who can channel are also enslaved. And finish it up with Sanderson's efforts.

  • @benparker2995
    @benparker2995 Год назад +6

    Coffee beans originated in africa

    • @wyn_wyzard
      @wyn_wyzard  Год назад +1

      Oop you’re right. That’s my bad

  • @specialnewb9821
    @specialnewb9821 6 месяцев назад +1

    Y'all bow down to emp'ress ya'hear.

  • @jeanmichaelmeme
    @jeanmichaelmeme Год назад

    What do you think about their protayal on the show?

    • @scoutofthe107th
      @scoutofthe107th 8 месяцев назад +1

      It's good enough for me to despise them, so I give the adaptation a good rating.

  • @lidiotvisuel8041
    @lidiotvisuel8041 3 месяца назад

    No mention of skin color? That's what were intriguing me in the tv show... it's supposed to be visibly easy to spot a Seanchan in Ghaeldan or Tear

    • @GarrettMerkin
      @GarrettMerkin 13 дней назад +1

      I think the Seanchan are ethnically diverse. IIRC Alivia is pale with blonde hair and blue eyes while Tuon is brown skinned with dark hair when she isn't bald and dark eyes as an example. Compare it to North and South America. You have the natives of Seanchan (I don't think we have any descriptions on them) and then Hawkwing's massive army who I'd assume were recruited from all over Randland--so you've got people like dark skinned Tairens, basically English people from the Andor area, Asian or Steppe kinda people from the borderlands, etc... Book era Seanchan should just be a hodgepodge of people of all ethnicities mixed up. I'm just rambling here but hope you get my point.

    • @lidiotvisuel8041
      @lidiotvisuel8041 12 дней назад

      @GarrettMerkin i got your point clearly, thanks

  • @drakearvidsson6936
    @drakearvidsson6936 19 дней назад

    Seriously they can’t just get away with this what the actual F.

  • @aarion1981
    @aarion1981 12 дней назад

    Good video and informative, but could have done without the attempt at a dramatic semi-british accent; it was cheesey and unnecessary

  • @Emanon...
    @Emanon... 7 месяцев назад

    This seems very derivative:
    Artur and Luthair Pendraeg (Arthurian myth), Raken (dragon), Lopar (lycan + bear), even goddamn coffee !?
    Just changing a few letters or a syllable doesn't make it original, just bad.

    • @sheepsky
      @sheepsky 6 месяцев назад +3

      It's meant to be set in our world, just in the far distant future (and far distant past) so it's not "derivative".

    • @Daves_Not_Here_Man_76
      @Daves_Not_Here_Man_76 4 месяца назад

      you are very ignorant of the world. You should rectify that

    • @Atamastra
      @Atamastra Месяц назад +1

      ​@@sheepsky one might call it deliberately derivative.

  • @davecoz4227
    @davecoz4227 21 час назад

    thanks for this, the show sucks