BMW E30 M3 real-world review
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- BMW E30 M3, Roberto Ravaglia edition on road review. Having owned one of these in the nineties, this one brought back lots of memories.
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FINALLY someone who goes into detail about the rear window/bootlid! Stuff like that is what sets Harrys Garage apart from the rest. Great video
I think the roof was lowered by a modest amount as well
After the Dakar bikes quick look and now this absolute beauty, this channel just smashed those supercar spotter/owner channels out the park.
Thanks Harry, absolute quality.
Sleepingdragon 1 - you mean you don't like videos with posh kids harping on about carbon, epic adventures , and daily drivers ? Me neither - Harry's videos are terrific
Ha Ha ,,, everything with the rich kids is either "insane, awesome or epic" I/m sick to death of them .
Sleepingdragon 1 I want to punch Schmee in the face. He's a super annoying guy.
Thing is, they're often anything but posh. No class.Just rich.
This car, as any 4-cylinder E30 coupe, is a true pleasure to have.
The light filled interior, lightweight design, everything is so light and enjoyable, honest simple engines.
Visibility is unmatched. Not possible these days.
Mazda MX-5.
Saw you in this as you left the WEC Silverstone race. Looked awesome in person!
Jimmy 😀
I LOVED the extra nerdy pieces of this review. I learned quite a bit about E30 M3s. Thanks Harry. Bloody great video, as always :)
BUT: Bleifrei means unleaded.
Lets just hope he actually USED unleaded because he seemed pretty sure he had the "leaded" non catalyst engine. He would have ruined the catalyst then. LOL. No problem, wasn't his to worry about .....
This is a M3 Cecotto, Edition Ravaglia. Only 25 produced, 23 in Red, 2 in Silver. This car is one out of two!
Michael Wollenschein 480 johnny cecotto editions and 25 Roberto Ravaglia editions.
+Michael wollenschein +Tjeerd Gerritsen At 10.21 in this vid he shows a plaque inside the car showing this car is number 65 of 505 Roberto Ravaglia produced, as I understand it.
Hi Tonyo, this car is 65 of of a larger run of 505 special editions at the time, only a small number of the 505 were actually Roberto Ravaglias M3s.
No, there's more than enough time for both! Also, if you listen to the video Harry covers this!
Harry's second into the vid...already gave it a thumbs up!
There are not many cars in Harry's Garage that I have actually driven, but the E30 M3 is one of them. What a car! Thank you, Harry for bringing memories of perhaps the most beautiful handling and responsive car I can recall.
I became fascinated with the E30 M3 and around the early 1990’s I went to a hobby shop looking for a model of one. The shop employee looked and looked and looked through their large number of catalogs and finally found one plastic 1:24 E30 M3 kit and I bought it. I still have it all these years later and I should dig it out and build it.
Mr. Harry always brings out that A-Grade work. no bells & whistles, no frills, no bs. just the real shit. rare nowadays.
and always leaves you w some new, unique info/knowledge/details every vid you wouldn't find elsewhere. ty
I love how he isn't too snobby to explain the purpose of a dogleg gearbox. Makes me feel like I'm with my dad
He’s a car expert but also a good teacher/story-teller. It’s a joy.
this guy would make a really cool grandpa.
Yeah, a really cool grandpa but your mom wouldn't let you ride with him! Mom's tend to worry about grandpas that have too much fun with their cars... that's me! ;^)
Cool Dad*
oh my god yes
@@MrGaryGG48 true, my grandpa was a chopper pilot. Ironically, his grandson never ride a chopper 😭
Whenever Harry uploads a video I immediately stop what I'm doing to watch
you can see him enjoying and remembering all that crazy stuff he did in his original M3.. nice video
The DTM airbox makes the 2.3 sound AMAZING! I’ve loved that car since 2004 when I found out about it. Picked up an 89 325i soon after and that began BMW daily drivers till this day. BMW M is amazing
Was waiting for a BMW for a while. Great!
You often see these video on internet with Ferrari's, Porsche's, Lamborghini's ... and then a BMW E30 4-cylinder just next to it.
Stop using apostrophes for plurals, dumbass.
Almost bought one of these a couple of years ago, out of my price range now but you never know!! Love this era of cars, Own a 190e 2.5-16, a 993 and a 924S and its all about weight, they feel so small and nimble compared to modern sports cars. Even the 924S has the same power to weight ratio of my friends new Toyota gt86!
Great review Harry, you talk about your cars the way I do!!
Harry's commentary on life is just as good as his views on the car.
Mr Metcalfe geeking out about details is just a delight.
Great video Harry, i remember when the E30 M3 was "cheap" how times have changed. I've heard rumours that swapping out the S14 for an S50 is a popular conversion on these because of the S14's rebuild costs and the S50 giving you that straight six smoothness with a lot more power, torque & less rebuild cost.
Very informative to hear somebody with such a wide range of experience with enthusiast cars give his opinion on my car (or at least my car's faster older brother).
"Nibbles at the outsides of adhesion." That's gotta be my favourite comment of automotive journalism ever. :)
The way you smile as soon as you sit in the car... that's the best.
I didn't learn anything new about the M3 because I've already read so much on it, however Harry is tops. He's the perfect gentleman and so engaging. Best reviewer out there and of course it's his voice as well.
Harry the brake light cable is attached to the brake pedal on an E30, it can come loose and even if it comes loose for a split second the light comes up on the OBC. You just need to push the cable on firmly on the side of the brake pedal.
brake lights has to be checked before driving as they most important lights on the car, you push brake and light disapear if bulbs are working.
^^^ this
Yep, takes the Cake & from someone who wedged a 3.2 M3 motor into an E30 plus owned a number of them, this was a magnificent episode. Harry, you actually are the best on reviewer out there. Thanks !!
I agreed with you about how great the motor is on the 87 Testarossa, which I also own. I still have my 91 M3 making 223 wheel hp and I still just love the car and the sound of this engine at high revs.
Love these . Big doe now. I had the e30 tourer was a lovely car and left most things in thr dust. Csnt beat the older cars just feel different . That's why I still drive an 03 plate copper s ( r53) raw car lovebit
Your wonderful sense of humour prevails and I agree the black cam covers do look the best. Many years ago I was lent a similar car by the local dealer to use as a course car in my role as clerk of the course on a local rally with the proviso that I didn’t bend it because replacement headlights cost over a thousands pounds. I asked how this fact had come to light and I was just told to make sure I had an accident free rally!! I did but only just as it seemed easy to roll on a 90 right bend!! But it did go well........
I had a black E30 M3 and a white Alpina B6 3.5S and I miss them both. Thanks for this Harry.
First time watching your videos, Harry. Big BMW fan and M3 (E46) owner. Loved the history lesson!! Greatest car content I found on RUclips in years since I first saw Chris Harris.
Just such a FANTASTIC video as always - Many Thanks. As genuine car-nuts like yourself, we JUST love all the little intricate details and history about all the cars, red plug leads, all the expert details about the Paris-Dakar bikes - the enthusiasm, the minutia, the nitty-gritty technicalities - all of it - it's just a real joy to watch and listen - especially from someone who enjoys cars as much as us. Cheers, Harry.
A Boy Racer after my own heart(with the greatest respect) Harry you really enjoy these cars on our behalf and give us the best experience you can.
I put 100k miles on mine,wonderful sports car. But it requires valve adjustments every 8k miles that would cost between $800 to $1000 every time. The S14 motor is tough and if you don't abuse it will hold up quite well. I bought mine with 65k miles and when I sold it it had 165k and the engine ran perfectly. I kick myself 3 times daily for getting rid of it,a moment of insanity.
fw1421 50k car now
I kick myself 4times a day for these cars I sold in a moment of insanity. An Alfa Bertone and a Golf1 Gti.
Thanks for the info. Was considering one of these. I owned a Ducati 996SPS that required expensive valve adjustments every 5K miles. Loved the bike, but the expensive upkeep took some of the enjoyment out of the ownership experience. Never again.
@@redarmy1778damn what about now 😂
Great review.
I drove a friend's 1989 BMW M3 Dinan turbo in North America back in 1993. I think it had around 350-400 horsepower. Forget the exact number. It was a true monster. It was thrilling, refined and dangerous. The power band peaked like the standard M3, but with explosive power when the big single turbo kicked in. The sound was way more deep and muffled too.
I also tried out a new 1989 stock M3. There was no comparison between the two. The BMW Dinan M3 turbo was leaps and bounds better. Except that there was no windshield wiper fluid reservoir, because the turbo, plumbing and intercooler took up all the space inside the engines bay.
Last of the English gentry ... kudos to your reviews ... bravo Harry !!!
what a lively chap harry is. Top notch skills on relaying what he is feeling with the viewer.
Daily a 1989 325I back in 1990-1992 what a well made, and a really great driving car. Ultimate driving machines, the E30s were.
this might be the best video to ever happen in automotive reviewing youtube history
Watching Harry's videos again. What a joy this series is for us petrol heads
Harry is my favorite car reviewer on RUclips! Like if you agree
... and he is actually driving/using them. Not a lot of of people would take a Ferrari Testarossa to French and carry a Boat Engine in the front back home. ;)
T R I 2nd that opinion 👍
he the new saabkyle and ain't a bougie bitch like doug demuro
root how is doug boujee
Its all about quality not quantity
Underrated channel ! deserves a million+ subs
Friend of mine is a bit of a BMW nut. He had one of those (Cecotto edition) and 7 series, M5s, M Coupé etc.
This is the best according to him and he always regretted selling it.
Great video by Harry as usual and a lovely Ravaglia.
I owned a 1989 Cat equipped 215bhp M3 Cecotto in Macau Blue for 4yrs back in the late 90's. Watching this brings back fond memories of that car, especially the early morning runs up and around the nearby Brecon Beacons on my days off. A car made for those type of roads. I would love one again but bloody hell they are "BIG" monies nowadays...
Great review of a legendary car! I personally own an E30 325i, and I think the E30 is one the greatest chassis ever built. And don't worry with that Brake light indicator. Mine is always on when the car starts, and wonce you stomp on the brake it disapears.
Harry is very different to other reviews. He goes in depth in the ownership and finer details of an old school car enthusiast. He is like the fine wine taster of auto journalist, while the younger gen are more like the video gamer auto journos.
Ahh, the 80s. What a wonderful period. Watching this brought back all those lovely memories; Audi Quattros, Sierra Cosworths, Merc Cosworths, Saab Turbos, Whale Tail 911s, 205 GTIs, Astra GTEs, BMW M cars and V8 Astons. Even, whisper it, MG Montego Turbos (drive one, you might be surprised) Great decade for automotive thrills. The best thing about the 80s though, was that one could pick up Escort Twin Cams for next to nothing, none of this £55k nonesense we have now. That was a proper road rocket; It's what defined the decade for me because that was what us youngsters could afford at the time. And boy did we have fun in them. And the 2.8 Capris. Opel Mantas too, remember those? Simpler times, simpler cars (and all the better for it) and youthful, unadulterated automotive fun. Pass my rose-tinted glasses, fire up the Quattro, I'm off back to the 80s.
Had one years ago and sold it for £6.200 as it kept on going wrong.
When I found out how much they are worth now 20 years on and how much money I would have made triggered me in to buying a few cars for 20 years time.
So out of loosing ten's of thousands out of the M3 it is hopefully make me more in the future.
(always look forward to your video's Harry. your garage is full of great cars.)
Harry makes good videos, a pleasure to watch. And always something informative about each car I didn't know before. But this M3 deserved a more thorough review. The true greatness of the E30 didn't come through here.
I love being subscribed to this, even the Testarossa in the back, would be enough for me, but I love everything else and have for years, I'm not even that jealous cos Harry's fantastic.
I can attest as a fanboy of the mk2 golf of the same era as this, the E30 engine bay detail and dressing from the factory is just stunning.
i remember a friend of mine having one of these back in the late 90's with a C2 Alpina 2.7 straight 6 fitted in it, one of the scariest cars I've ever been in, great days.
Harry is a wealth of knowledge and what makes it so engaging is his history of the cars and the era - reliving those experiences lets us appreciate a car like this. Definitely my favorite car channel 👌One thing however, you're on the wrong side of the road mate.
I didn’t know the details of the engine sizes/eco variants. Thanks Harry that’s why you’re the best.
Had an 86 325es in my 20s. LOVED that car. Absolutely perfect automobile. Just felt right. I was so-so on the looks when I got it but now the thing looks sexy as hell.
Do a video of E34 M5. It would be epic
I invited Harry to review mine a while back without a reply. I could do with another trip to the Cotswolds (I think that is where he is). I have just been there in my E34 M5 and it didn't miss a beat in over just over 400 miles at 25 MPG
Fantastic review, as per usual from the Master. Brought back some memories with it. In the early 90's I had a loan of one for a week. Given I was 19 at the time, it was like being accepted into nirvana. Metallic blue, with Recaro seats. The particular version I sadly can't remember. I loved the muscle bound arches.
Your comment about it being so compliant on the road was one such memory and how really nicely bolted together it felt and was. Compared to say the Cossie, it felt like "luxury" for the want of a better word and compared to the Lancia Delta it felt hewn from solid rock(not too difficult ;) The Delta always felt to me like an assembly of parts hellbent on wanting to return to their natural state sooner rather than later).
Beautifully balanced too. Like all great cars(IMHO) it felt like it was on _your side_. I remember being surprised that it didn't feel particularly fast. To me at least. Though in fairness that's likely down to me as I run out of talent in a pedal car so I know my limitations and adjust accordingly. I do remember that even in my ham fists it never scared me once. It was that nicely balanced. I also recall that a few years later when the owner wanted to sell it, he couldn't get shot of it for love nor money. Very little interest. Locally to me in Ireland anyway. IIRC it ended being bought by a Welsh chap. Funny how things change. These days if I even sat in one, I'd be arrested for devaluing it.
I have shared the hell out of this video Harry, fabulous job !
Can listen to harry talking cars for days on end❤️
This, once again, is a really great review. I like the 80s DTM, even though that is way before my time... The modern DTM has nothing to do with it's past. I really enjoyed the history and background, and also the enthusiasm you have for that car. Thanks for sharing!
great cars, owned one for about 10 years, enjoyed every moment of it. moved on to a new driving experience after some time. As you said, a great part of BMW's heritage. PS - re the steering, I did a z3 steering rack in mine and it was a magnificent upgrade to shorten and sharpen the steering.
really enjoyed this one Harry, very informative. I had the integrale 16v and although these were quite different cars they always seemed to draw parallels.
Love it Harry!
Owned a 1987 325i (great car) back in the day but always wanted the M3.
Maybe one day................
Always loved the Alpina B6S, which was the M3 with a 3.5 Alpina engine :)
It was popular in the 80s to add rear disc brakes and some suspension bits to the 87-93 5.0 Mustang LX and still have about $15-20K left in your pocket to run circles around these M cars at the track. Not much has changed today. I'd take a GT350R over any M BMW has to offer. Great videos. Cheers!
He even admitted there were quicker cars around at the time. But this had the whole package of balance, quality, refinement and usability in one off the showroom floor.
The best video channel have found to date on RUclips. Thank you Harry!
Finally! Great collection over all.
You do want a carbon airbox for the M3. It changes everything.
That check light will always light up to reming you press the brake pedal down when starting the car. That is also a feature very many new cars have implemented: they won't allow you to start the car without pressing down the brake pedal. The system is working just how it should..
Gotta respect the passion, Harry exudes!
You couldn't beat the beauty out of these cars. It'd be impossible. No matter what, it'll always be a beautiful car.
@harry's garage the check light is from a worn out active check relay in the trunk. and you can tighten up the seats if you simply remove the seat back and tighten the big phillips head screws. both common E30 problems
Thanks for sharing, Harry! Always a pleasure. Great review.
Always enjoy your combination of knowledge and enthusiasm, another great video, thank you.
I have an 1986 316i 5 speed automatic, and thats the only one registered in my country. Im so proud of her.
Nice quality car, I always admired BMWs for their engineering. In 1984 I had a BMW R65 motorcycle and the quality of it was unmatched by any other bike I have seen before or since.
RUclips and me needed this video for a while, love the Cecotto,Ravaglia & Evo 2 more then any other BMW products
Harry, I would like to see a video with all your previous vehicles along with pictures and brief details on each. Thanks for another great video.
As the very proud owner of an E30 318is - this video makes me very happy...
harrycg95 you must be a very proud woman
harrycg95 M42 squad 👌
harrycg95 Gross.
Great car
@@drj2039 damn that made me laugh!
I had the Mercedes 2.3-16, a 1988 with the Getrag manual, I had the choice of the Merc or an E30 M3 at the time - a 1990 2.3 standard car but it was twice the price of the Merc and at the time I didn’t want the LHD - I loved the Mercedes and it was a fabulous machine and practical to live with but a part of me always thought I should have stretched my finances and bought the M3. I sold the Merc for £2300 and bought a Volvo T5 a fabulous car in a completely different way, but the main reason for the change bring my daughter had just arrived and I wanted something newer and more practical - The Merc is still around and sold at Bonhams a couple of years ago for around £20,000 - guess I should of hung on to it! I suppose at least I can say I owned one
Really has that rally sound to it. Thank you Harry, for doing these videos.
Love the content, keep it up Harry
So good thanks Harry. Still an absolute icon and one of my favourite cars of all time.
Such a fan of these. I was fortunate enough to have owned an ‘86 325i sport. Really enjoyed the m20 plant, felt quick to me in 2012. One car I wish I’d bought a better version of and kept.
Great review, Harry. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Noted the one thing that put me off this legendary beemer even back then; the four-pot sound...
Harry, thank you for making the best car videos on RUclips! 👏
This made my day...the E30 M3 is my dream car :D Thanks Harry!
Since I have had a few miles on both the M3 and the 190 2.3, I have to say that the approach that they had was completely different.
With the M3 in order to maintaining a drift, it was common to have a higher exit speed than the entry. Very exiting but also very demanding. I was always on my toes trying to keep up.. Extremely satisfying though...
With the 190 you could maintain the drift without increasing your speed, nice and flowing...
If I had to chose it would probably be the M3 bat that would be a realy tough decision...
Automotive Perfection! - What a Car! - Brilliant as ever Harry!
Thanks Harry, great review and presentation of the M3! I really enjoyed all the details about the body and engine on the car and how it drives.
Loving your videos, excellent departure from what other car journalism videos are nowadays
Absolutely loved this video. Would like to see you do an episode on other BMWs of that era. The M635 would be awesome.
Wow, what a great video review of the M3. And a great detailed explanation behind the car and its history. Thank you!
Sounds like you sold your original one for the same reason I sold mine. On the road the steering feel was sublime but it was just gutless. Tellingly I test drove a Fiat Barchetta (yep, not a typo) and it could wipe the floor with the M3. Of course, typically the moment I sold mine the value of them skyrocketed. Great video, brings back rose-tinted memories and the desire for another, so I'm glad you mentioned that torque.
Absolutely wonderful overview. Thank you so much for all of these videos! It brightens my day greatly when I see a notification of a fresh video.
You make the perfect points in this video Harry. The end of Homologation rules in '96 (in producing road going specials) ruined motorsport, particularly rallying, for the last 20 years. No one can relate to any rally / touring car anymore. Drove one of these 15 years ago, back to back against my stock R32 GTR Skyline and it was light years slower. Sooo many people pay ridiculous prices for these sort of cars nowadays, expecting them to be outstanding and they're simply not.
Dear Harry, fascinating review as always. Please do a video about that Bentley GTZ Zagato and that white Ferrari BB. I look very much forward to it. Thank you for your videos!
agree with your comments including the torque Harry. (well maybe not about the white cam cover on evo 1s, i liked mine). worth mentioning that the balance gives you SUCH confidence in the wet. i really looked forward to wet track days :-)
Loving the white Berlinetta Boxer in the background. Not my favourite colour, as white doesn't show the details so well, but it was my favourite Ferrari in my teens. I remember drooling over pictures of the Boxer and the Countach in Car and Evo magazines. There were some fantastic photos in Car magazine. There was one photo, which was spread over two pages, of a metallic blue Boxer sitting in a forest clearing that, was so stunning, I carefully joined the two halves and made them into a poster for my wall. Still got it. :)
Such a nice car, drove one in the past when they were still affordable, never could imagine that they would rocket in price!
Very nice. Love the perspective on the E30 M3 and the production quality was excellent as well.